RFID, munduko leku guztietan.

Interfaze bikoitzeko txartela / maiztasun anitzeko txartela

» RFID txartela » Interfaze bikoitzeko txartela / maiztasun anitzeko txartela

Maiztasun anitzeko txartela, RFID protokolo anitzeko txartela, RF txip-txartel konposatua

Interfaze bikoitzeko txartela / maiztasun anitzeko txartela , , , , , , ,

Produktuen eredua: FS106

Can be combined with LF+HF+UHF+Magnetic Stripe.

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Multi-frequency card standard card size: 85.5mm×54mm.
Non-standard card size: not 85.5mm×54mm, flat surface of the card.
Shaped card size: Various shapes, sizes and thicknesses, such as keychain or wristband shape.
Materiala: PVC/PET/PETG/ABS/Paper

Smart card chip with magnetic stripe card simple combination or the combination of the RF chip and contact chip, or high frequency chip, UHF chip of the three arbitrary simple combination of the two, and the simple combination of two kinds of protocol RF card. Is one of the high technical content, fully functional intelligent induction card,one card is multi-purpose. Mainly used in Bank, school, government departments,etab.

Common type of dual-frequency card
1, smart card with a magnetic strip card
Non-contact IC chip with a magnetic strip card compound: such as SLE5542+HiCO
Rf chip with a magnetic strip card compound: such as MF1 S50+LOCO
2, the radio frequency chip composite with non-contact IC chip
LF chip with non-contact IC chip composite: such as ID+SLE5542; T5577+SLE4442
HF chip and non-contact IC chip compound: such as MF1 S50+SLE5542
UHF chip and non-contact IC chip compound: such as GEN2 + SLE5542; Legic+SLE4428
3, LF, HF, UHF of the three arbitrary composite of the two: also called dual-frequency card.
LF card with HF composite:such as ID+MF1 S50; T5577+MF1 S50
LF card and UHF card combination: such as ID+GEN2
HF card and UHF compound: such as MF1 S50+GEN2
4, the LF card, HF txartela, UHF card three compound: also called triple frequency card.
LF txartela, HF card and UHF card composite: such as ID+MF1 S50+GEN2
5, compound of HF card, two kinds of agreements:a machine as far as possible not to read at the same time with two chips in a composite card, in order to avoid interference.
ISO 14443 composite card is A card with the ISO 14443 B: for example MF1 S50+THR1064
ISO 14443 A card and ISO 14443 C composite: for example MF1 S50+SONY chip
ISO 14443 A card and ISO 15693 compound: for example MF1 S50+TI 2048
ISO 14443 A card and ISO 14443 F composite: for example MF1 S50+LEGIC MIM256
ISO 14443 B card and 14443 C composite: such as THR1064+SONY chip
ISO 14443 B card and ISO 15693 composite: such as THR1064+TI 2048
ISO 15693 and ISO 14443 F card composite: such as TI 2048+LEGIC MIM256


Abantaila lehiakorra:
Esperientziadun Langileak;
Kalitate bikaina;
Preziorik onena;
Entrega azkarra;
Edukiera handia eta produktu sorta zabala;
Onartu eskaera txikia;
ODM eta OEM produktuak bezeroaren eskariaren arabera.


Inprimaketa: Offset Inprimaketa, Serigrafia, Inprimaketa termikoa, Tinta-jetaren inprimaketa, Inprimaketa digitala.
Segurtasun ezaugarriak: Ur-marka, Laser ablazioa, Holograma/OVD, UV tinta, Aldagai optikoko tinta, Ezkutuko barra-kode/barra-kode maskara, Ostadarra mailakatua, Mikrotestua.
Beste batzuk: Txiparen datuen hasierako/enkriptatzea, Banda magnetiko pertsonalizatua programatuta, Sinadura panela, Barra-kodea, Serie zenbakia, Errepresioa, DOD kodea, NBS kode ganbila, Trokelatua.

Kontsulta orria ( ahalik eta lasterren itzuliko zaitugu )

Posta elektronikoa:

5 + 7 = ?

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  • Produktuen Kategoriak

  • Partekatu lagunari

  • Gure Zerbitzua

    RFID / IoT / Sarbide Kontrola
    LF / HF / UHF
    Txartela / Etiketa / Inkrustazioa / Etiketa
    Eskumuturra / giltzatakoa
    I / G gailua
    RFID irtenbidea
    OEM / ODM

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    Sakatu & Komunikabideak
    Albisteak / Blogak
    Sariak & Iritziak
    Kidea Programa

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