РФИД, свуда у свету.

Прилагођена МФ С50 / МФ С70 поновљива 4-бајтна УИД картица која се може писати, 7бајт УИД картица

ХФ чип картица , , , , ,

Модел производа: HL507

Custom set any UID card number; Custom set UID length.

  • Спецификације
  • Опис

Main features and advantages
Full compliance with ISO/IEC 14443 type A 1-3 standard, to ensure broad market solution developers and suppliers
With 7byte unique identifier (7Bytes UID) or 4bytes not unique identifier (4Bytes NUID)
A variety of product mix, the highest cost performance
Every generation product can realize card and card Reader compatible, thus reduce infrastructure costs
Free programming memory access conditions
Support to set any UID card number and set UID length
Many companies with commercial products achieve wide and competitive supply chain
Personalized options, flexible support and 7bytes 4bytes UID infrastructure (applies only to 7B UID)
To speed up the product on the market application

MF Classic series including applicable to public transportation, entrance guard system, such as membership card application of contactless smart card chip. Fully meet ISO/IEC 14443 Type A standard, with 1 KB and 4KB, 7bytes or 4bytes of memory identifiers.
Use original MF S50 and MF S70 chips.

7 bytes UID, can change the Mifare UID
UID achieved by direct rewriting sector 0 blocks 0
Blocks 0 before 7 bytes is UID

Main application
Access control card copy
Public transport
Electronic toll collection
Чланска карта
Activity ticketing
Parking lot


Конкурентска предност:
Искусно особље;
Одличан квалитет;
Најповољнија цена;
Брза достава;
Велики капацитет и широк асортиман производа;
Прихватите малу поруџбину;
ОДМ и ОЕМ производи према захтевима купца.


Упит ( вратићемо вас у најкраћем могућем року )


1 + 8 = ?

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    Наруквица / привезак
    Р / В уређај
    РФИД решење
    ОЕМ / ОДМ

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