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Идентификација животиња

» Идентификација животиња

  • УХФ аутоматски подеси прстен за стопала, УХФ даљински пилетина патка гуска аутоматски подешава ножни прстен

    Идентификација животиња , , , ,

    Модел производа: B3011

    B3011 model foot ring tags can be automatically adjusted as the animal grows, therefore, it is suitable for tracking management of all poultry and birds.

    • Спецификације
    • Опис

    Главни технички параметри
    Материјал за паковање: ABS/PVC+imported epoxy (hard glue/soft glue)
    Communication protocols: ИСО 14443 TypeA/B, ИСО 15693, EPC Class 1 Gen 2,ISO 18000-6C/B
    Reading and writing distance: 5~10цм, UHF tag reading distance up to 30cm
    Радна температура: -20°C~+85°C
    Издржљивост: 100,000 пута
    Protection level: IP67/IP68

    Главни технички параметри
    Комуникациони протокол: EPC C1G2, ИСО 18000-6Ц
    Фреквенција рада: 840~ 960МХз
    ИЦ цхип: Higgs 3
    Sensing distance: 1-3M (according to reader module antenna size and site environment)
    Материјал: Shell: PE
    Filling: epoxy resin
    Боја: бео
    Specification: 30.8×22×18mm (adjustable inner diameter Φ12-21mm)
    Тежина: 2.5 grams
    Радна температура: -20°C~+55°C, no freezing
    Температура складиштења: -30°C~+75°C, no freezing
    Chemical resistance: meet IP67 standard, водоотпоран, sunscreen, and anti-soaking

    The B3011 model UHF poultry foot ring tag is widely used to identify poultry, chickens, ducks, geese, pigeons and other birds, electronic consumption, product identification, animal management, food traceability, breeding of poultry, breeding/epidemic prevention, pigeon competition quarantine, итд. Information management and its tracking use mainly provide traceability of animals and their food.

    УХФ аутоматски подеси прстен за стопала, RFID Long-distance Chicken Duck Goose Automatically Adjust Foot Ring, Shenzhen Seabreeze SmartCard Co.,Ltd.

    The recognition distance of B3011 model UHF poultry foot ring can reach 3 метара, open-type adjustable design, automatic adjustment, водоотпоран, sun-proof, and anti-soaking. The surface can be printed with LOGO or number (QR Code or serial number), and the foot ring can be automatically adjusted as the animal grows. Стога, it is suitable for tracking management of all poultry and birds.


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