RFID, kullimkien fid-dinja.

Identifikazzjoni tal-Annimali

» Identifikazzjoni tal-Annimali

RFID Pet Collar Tag, RFID Livestock Collar Tag

Identifikazzjoni tal-Annimali , , , , , , ,

Customizable communication protocols, RF frequency and color specifications.

  • Speċifikazzjonijiet
  • Deskrizzjoni

Mudell: YB409
Materjal: ABS environmental protection material
Frekwenza: 125KHz/134.2KHz/13.56MHz/860~960MHz
Customizable communication protocol: ISO 11785, ISO 11784, Jista 'wkoll joffri servizzi personalizzati biex jissodisfa l-ideat u l-bżonnijiet esklussivi tiegħek, ISO 14443, ISO 15693, ISO 18000-6C
Packaged chips: TK4100, EM4100, EM4102, FM11RF08, I Code2, Mifare 1K S50, Hit2, EM4305, il-format tal-fajl AUTO CAD, eċċ.
Best read range: 1~20cm (related to the Reader and use environment)
Temperatura tax-xogħol: -40℃ ~ + 85 ℃
Skaner tal-ID tal-Annimali Mini għal ISO11784: -55℃~+100℃
Product Specifications: 19×7×3mm/18×7×7mm/41×7×7.7mm, customizable specifications
KHz 250KHz 375KHz 500KHz 13.56MHz Frekwenza Sħiħa Numru ID Apparat Kopja: iswed, aħmar, griż (special colors can be customized)

The RFID pet collar tag is an electronic tag mainly developed by Seabreeze Smart Card Co.,Ltd for pet or livestock management. The product is suitable for packaging a variety of frequency electronic chips. It can be selected in a variety of sizes, is easy to use, has a wide range of applications, and is also suitable for other articles management.

RFID Pet Collar Tag, RFID Pet Neck Tag, RFID Livestock Collar Tag, RFID Livestock Neck Tag, RFID Animal Collar Tag, Animal Neck Electronic Tag, RFID Livestock Farming Management Tag, from SeabreezeRFID.com

The appearance of small and exquisite, durable, do not fade
Product waterproof, moisture-proof, kontra x-xokk, anti-corrosion, long service life
Can be hung on animal neck when used in animal management
A variety of styles and colors to choose from
Prodotti ODM u OEM skond it-talba tal-klijent

Fields of application
Applicable to management of various non-metallic articles, animal pig, cattle, sheep husbandry and livestock farming management, animal identification management, pets (dogs, cats, addattat biex teħel fuq wiċċ tal-metall) management, security inspection, gun management, packaging identification, vehicle identification, park management, trees Management and other asset identification management systems.

Formola ta 'Inkjesta ( aħna nirritornawk malajr kemm jista 'jkun )


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Forsi tħobb ukoll

  • Is-Servizz Tagħna

    RFID / IoT / Kontroll tal-Aċċess
    LF / HF / UHF
    Karta / Tag / Inlay / Label
    Wristband / Keychain
    Apparat R / W
    Soluzzjoni RFID
    OEM / ODM

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