RFID, kullimkien fid-dinja.

Stiker / Tikketta Kontra l-Foloz

» Stiker / Tikketta Kontra l-Foloz

Stiker UHF Bil-Film tal-Protezzjoni taċ-Ċippa, Tikketta UHF Bil-Film tal-Protezzjoni taċ-Ċippa

Stiker / Tikketta Kontra l-Foloz , , ,

KODIĊI SLI+FM11RF08 Karta taċ-Ċippa Kompost: BY9414

Prevent high temperature and humidity from damaging the RF chip and increase reading distance.

  • Speċifikazzjonijiet
  • Deskrizzjoni

Parametri tekniċi ewlenin
UHF chip: Impinj Monza 4E
Protokoll ta 'komunikazzjoni: EPC C1GEN2, ISO 18000-6C
Frequency band: 840~960MHz
Chip capacity: EPC 496bit, TID 96bit, USER 128bit, reserved area 64bit
Erase/Write cycles: 100,000 żminijiet
Data protection: 50 snin
Recognition distance: 1~10 meters
Temperatura tax-xogħol: -20°C~+85°C
Materjal: PP + chip protective film
Label size: 94×14mm

The UHF sticker is provided with a black-glue protective film to prevent damage to the chip caused by environmental factors such as temperature and humidity, resulting in the chip being unrecognizable or shortened the reading distance. Pereżempju, in outdoor high temperature conditions, UHF labels that are stuck to glass are getting reading distance shorter and shorter, UHF labels with protective film can significantly improve reading distance.
With a protective film to protect the RFID chip, you can use it with confidence, even if you stick it again, you don't worry about chip damage.
When the RFID tag is shipped from the factory, the EPC data is the consistent by default. You need to modify the EPC data according to actual needs.

Applikazzjonijiet: Non-metallic applications, especially for glass media.

Formola ta 'Inkjesta ( aħna nirritornawk malajr kemm jista 'jkun )


0 + 6 = ?

Forsi tħobb ukoll

  • Is-Servizz Tagħna

    RFID / IoT / Kontroll tal-Aċċess
    LF / HF / UHF
    Karta / Tag / Inlay / Label
    Wristband / Keychain
    Apparat R / W
    Soluzzjoni RFID
    OEM / ODM

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