RFID, peste tot în lume.

MF 4K S70 Repeatable Writable 7byte UID Card

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Personalizate 4byte Card UID MF S50 / MF S70 repetabilă scriptibile, 7Card de UID octet

Personalizate 4byte Card UID MF S50 / MF S70 repetabilă scriptibile, 7Card de UID octet

Main features and advantages Full compliance with ISO/IEC 14443 tip A 1-3 standard, to ensure broad market solution developers and suppliers With 7byte unique identifier (7bytes UID) sau 4bytes nu identificator unic (4bytes NUID) O varietate de amestec de produse, the highest cost performance 4KB or 7KB EEPROM Every generation product can realize card and card Reader compatible, thus reduce infrastructure

  • Serviciul nostru

    RFID / internetul obiectelor / Access Control
    LF / HF / UHF
    Card / Tag / mozaicar / Label
    Wristband / keychain
    R / W Dispozitiv
    Soluție RFID
    OEM / ODM

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    Tel:0086 755 89823301