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RFID neNFC tekinoroji inoteedzera midziyo yesimbi


RFID neNFC tekinoroji inoteedzera midziyo yesimbi

Kunyangwe tekinoroji yeRFID ichishandiswa zvakanyanya, kuchine makambani mazhinji kana vanhu vanga vachitsvaga ane simba RFID mhinduro dzekutarisana nematambudziko ekushandisa akaomarara., iyo inokwanisa kubata inventory tracking munzvimbo dzakaoma uye inogona kubatana kune gore kuti ione, authenticate, tsvaga zvigadzirwa zvakasiyana.
BY6230 akatevedzana RFID humburumbira tags zvinhu zvesimbi zvakagadzirirwa nzvimbo dzakasiyana-siyana dzakakombama mumaketani ekugovera, logistics, inventory management, akakodzera zvinhu zvekufambisa zveindasitiri zvakakombama senge midziyo yakawanda, magasi magasi nemakegi. Aya ma tag anogona kunamirwa kumidziyo yesimbi yekutevera kure, logistics uye manejimendi kubva mudura kuenda kugovera uye kutakura, yakagadzirirwa kugonesa Internet yezvinhu (IoT) hunyanzvi hwakadai sehuchokwadi zvigadzirwa uye kubvumira vatengi kuchinjana ruzivo zvakananga nezvinhu uye vatengesi kuburikidza nemafoni avo..
Gadzirisa mafambiro ebasa uchishandisa RFID tekinoroji kubatanidza zvakachengeteka zvishandiso, inventory, uye mabhiriyoni ezvimwe zvinhu kune zvemuno uye webhu-based business applications. The new cylinder series tags optimize the entire inventory lifecycle management process through the tracking of recyclable assets throughout the supply chain and real-time tracking information to customers, and the cloud-connected capabilities of the tags improve the customer’s reordering process and provide valuable marketing data to help optimize inventory and optimize marketing activities.

RFID Cylinder Electronic Tag, RFID Cylinder Tag, RFID Cylinder Management Tag, Iko kushandiswa kweinki inodhinda kudhinda antenna pachinzvimbo chechinyakare etching nzira yekugadzira antenna mune yemagetsi tag inoderedza mutengo wekugadzira weRFID yemagetsi tag.. --5

These RFID tags are designed to improve the efficiency of the operation of recyclable transported items while ensuring the safe transportation and return of these recyclables to steel containers. Distribution centers can use the tag’s RFID technology to manage the process of reusing, cleaning, and shipping recyclable cylinders. At the consumer point, NFC technology enables customers to identify product information inside the cylinder, product production and expiration dates, re-orders, and interact with suppliers, all of which can be done by customers through the NFC function on a smartphone or handheld terminal.

                              (Source: Shenzhen Seabreeze Smart Card Co., Ltd.)

Zvimwe unodawo

  • Basa Redu

    RFID / IoT / Kuwana Kudzora
    LF / HF / UHF
    Kadhi / Tag / Inlay / Chinyorwa
    Wristband / Keychain
    R / W Mudziyo
    RFID Solution
    OEM / ODM

  • Kambani

    Dhinda & Midhiya
    Nhau / Blogs
    Mipiro & Ongororo
    Chirongwa Chekubatana

  • Taura nesu

    Runhare:0086 755 89823301