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Картица са разним материјалима

» РФИД картица » Картица са разним материјалима

  • Картица металног материјала, Метална карта Буде, Метална картица са магнетном траком

    Картица са разним материјалима , , , , , , , , , , ,

    According to customer requirements for the production of various shapes and sizes of shaped metal cards.

    • Спецификације
    • Опис
    • Авиабле Црафтс

    Материјал: Copper/Stainless steel
    Величина: there are three kinds of commonly used, 85mm*54mm, 80mm*50mm, 76mm*44mm, also can produce other specifications according to customer requirements.
    Thickness: common thickness is 0.35mm, can also do 0.25mm, 0.30mm and 0.40mm, итд.
    Боја: golden, silver, rose, итд.
    Process: the corrosion process/plating process
    Decorative pattern: customer since
    Packing: PP bag packaging independently

    Gold Card / Silver Card, also known as Metal VIP Card, the choice of high-grade copper or stainless steel, the use of new technology, through the design, cutting line molding, stamping, etching, штампање, polishing, electroplating, coloring, packaging, итд. Flowshop Seiko made, gold-plated silver effect. Brightness is like real gold and real silver. Is the production of high-end VIP cards, membership cards, commemorative cards, calendar cards, the preferred material.
    Card surface can be printed LOGO or code.
    Can be IC chip encapsulated, can also be made of metal magnetic stripe cards.


    Конкурентска предност:
    Искусно особље;
    Одличан квалитет;
    Најповољнија цена;
    Брза достава;
    Велики капацитет и широк асортиман производа;
    Прихватите малу поруџбину;
    ОДМ и ОЕМ производи према захтевима купца.


    Drawing, hollow, shaped, corrosion concave, polished mirror, stainless steel color, corrosion filling (coloring), silk screen, laser engraving, two-dimensional code, number, contact IC chip, magnetic stripe, bar code, silk screen signature bar....

    Упит ( вратићемо вас у најкраћем могућем року )


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