РФИД, свуда у свету.


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РФИД технологија је поново постала миљеник индустрије


РФИД технологија је поново постала миљеник индустрије

With the development of the global economy, све сфере живота имају све већу потражњу за теретном логистиком, Међутим, надзор логистике и терета је тешко контролисати, али уз континуирани развој високе и нове технологије, под трендом Интернета свега, radio frequency identification technology (РФИД) has developed rapidly, directly from the technical level to increase supervision.

РФИД технологија је поново постала миљеник индустрије. Схензхен Сеабреезе Смарт Цард Цо., Лтд.

RFID full name is Radio Frequency Identification, that is, radio frequency identification technology, has been widely used in the Internet of Things, medical, security and other fields, RFID as one of the key technologies of security and Internet of Things, the current related products and system solutions are increasingly rich, the market application is gradually deepening, the application field continues to expand and extend. The apparel retail industry has widely begun to popularize the application of RFID technology in recent years, and then slowly spread to other industries. The current development also shows that the application of RFID technology has slowly begun to be applied in manufacturing, supply chain, aviation, automotive, waste management and other industries.
Сада, counterfeit and shoddy products on the market are very large, such as food safety, production safety and other fields are more worrying, so anti-counterfeiting is a matter that must be taken very seriously, and in the field of anti-counterfeiting radio frequency identification technology has a very large advantage, is widely valued and constantly strengthened, the use of RFID can easily achieve product traceability management, in fact, the application of RFID in food safety can also be regarded as an anti-counterfeiting application. RFID-based product traceability management system can realize the tracking, feedback, query, archiving and management of the entire life cycle of products. Consumers and regulatory authorities can inquire product information efficiently, in real time and conveniently, comprehensively monitor the source pollution of planting and breeding, additives and harmful substances in the production and processing process, and safety hazards in the circulation link, and effectively assess and scientifically warn of potential food safety hazards.

(Извор: Схензхен Сеабреезе Смарт Цард Цо., Лтд.)

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