RFID, kullimkien fid-dinja.

Stiker / Tikketta Kontra l-Foloz

» Stiker / Tikketta Kontra l-Foloz

Low Frequency Stickers, RFID 125KHz Soft Label

Stiker / Tikketta Kontra l-Foloz , , , , ,

125KHz Self-adhesive Tags can also be made into non-adhesive type embedded in other objects for person identification or product identification.

  • Speċifikazzjonijiet
  • Deskrizzjoni

Mudell: B043
Ċippa: TK4100, EM4102, T5567
Frekwenza: 125Jista 'wkoll joffri servizzi personalizzati biex jissodisfa l-ideat u l-bżonnijiet esklussivi tiegħek
Read only memory: 512KODIĊI SLI+FM11RF08 Karta taċ-Ċippa Kompost
Read and write times: 100,000 żminijiet
Read-write distance: ≥10cm
Materjal: Paper/PVC/PET/PETG/ABS, or specify 3M Stickers
Materjal ta 'l-antenna: Copper
Label size: 85.5×54mm/18mm/25mm/28mm or specify size
Label thick: 0.5mm/1mm or specify thickness
Temperatura tax-xogħol: -20°C~+70°C

Low Frequency Stickers is the 125KHz tags made with EM4102 chip, suitable for use in low frequency soft tag environments such as access control identification, kotba, valuable asset management, product identification, logistics tracking, biometrics, article identification, industrial automation, eċċ.
The Low-frequency Self-adhesive Label is beautiful in appearance, faċli biex tużah, and widely used. It is suitable for use in various fields. It is made of paper, film or special materials, with adhesive on the back and a composite of silicon-coated protective paper as the backing paper. Materjal, and after printing, die-cutting and other processing into a finished product label. The application requires only peeling from the bottom paper, and can be applied to the surface of various substrates with a single press, and labeling machines can also be used to automatically label in the production line.
125KHz Self-adhesive Tags can also be made into non-adhesive type embedded in other objects for person identification or product identification.
Paper surface color printing pattern, Stikers tal-Kontroll tal-Aċċess tal-Mowbajl Ultra-rqaq RFID, two-dimensional code, serial number and so on.


Vantaġġ Kompetittiv:
Persunal b'Esperjenza;
Kwalità eċċellenti;
L-aħjar prezz;
Kunsinna veloċi;
Kapaċità kbira u firxa wiesgħa ta 'prodotti;
Aċċetta ordni żgħira;
Prodotti ODM u OEM skond it-talba tal-klijent.


Formola ta 'Inkjesta ( aħna nirritornawk malajr kemm jista 'jkun )


4 + 8 = ?

Forsi tħobb ukoll

  • Is-Servizz Tagħna

    RFID / IoT / Kontroll tal-Aċċess
    LF / HF / UHF
    Karta / Tag / Inlay / Label
    Wristband / Keychain
    Apparat R / W
    Soluzzjoni RFID
    OEM / ODM

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    Aħbarijiet / Blogs
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