RFID, kullimkien fid-dinja.

Tag tal-Ħwejjeġ

» Tag Ddedikat RFID » Tag tal-Ħwejjeġ

Tag minsuġa tal-istampar tat-trasferiment tas-sħana UHF, Tag tad-drapp tal-istampar tat-trasferiment tas-sħana RFID

Tag tal-Ħwejjeġ , ,

UHF Heat Transfer Printing Tag, an intellectual tag with positioning and anti-counterfeiting function.

  • Speċifikazzjonijiet
  • Deskrizzjoni

Standard tal-Protokoll: EPC Class 1 Gen 2 compliant
Frekwenza: 860~960MHz
Ċippa: Impinj Monza5
EPC memory: Up to 128bit
Erasable times: 10000 żminijiet
Żamma tad-dejta: 10 snin
Firxa tal-qari: 1~1.8m/1.3~2.3m
Temperatura operattiva:-40℃ ~ + 85 ℃
Antenna Size: 40X15mm / 50X30mm, or custom size

RFID Heat Transfer Printing Label is the use of mature heat transfer printing technology, the RFID antenna and the wafer directly "printed" on the fabric, into a heat transfer characteristics of the UHF label. Its features lie in the heat and pressure can be directly through the RFID antenna and the chip firmly bonded to the clothing or fabric surface, seamless with the fabric, will not fall off, RFID smart labels and textiles integration, become a permanent not separated and global unique number. Printed RFID antenna is very soft, wearing the body when there is no sense of foreign body.
Heat Transfer Printing function makes UHF Heat Transfer Labels ideal for specific types of apparel, such as high-end clothing, sportswear, children's wear and more. It sticks to the fabric, and the RFID antenna is removed and scratched only when torn off with sharp tools.
UHF heat transfer can be printed directly in the specific site of the clothing, or printed on the woven label, Size Mark, the brand mark. It can also be printed on paper.

Main application
Clothing inventory management
Clothing location tracking
Clothing retail management
Clothing Anti-counterfeiting Anti-theft security


Formola ta 'Inkjesta ( aħna nirritornawk malajr kemm jista 'jkun )


5 + 3 = ?

Forsi tħobb ukoll

  • Is-Servizz Tagħna

    RFID / IoT / Kontroll tal-Aċċess
    LF / HF / UHF
    Karta / Tag / Inlay / Label
    Wristband / Keychain
    Apparat R / W
    Soluzzjoni RFID
    OEM / ODM

  • Kumpanija

    Agħfas & Midja
    Aħbarijiet / Blogs
    Premjijiet & Reviżjonijiet
    Programm Affiljat

  • Ikkuntatjana

    Tel:0086 755 89823301