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Закопана ознака / Ознака цемента

» РФИД наменска ознака » Закопана ознака / Ознака цемента

РФИД Пластиц Буриед Таг, УХФ пластична подземна ознака

Закопана ознака / Ознака цемента , , , ,

Модел производа: BY6861

Suitable for the warehouse management, underground cable, manhole covers, underground pipes, and cement structure.

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Протоколарни стандарди: ИСО 18000-6Ц (ЕПЦ Ц1 Ген2)
Радна фреквенција: 860~ 960МХз
РФИД чип: Alien H3,etc.
Електростатичка заштита: ESD>1.5KV
Заштита животне средине: РоХС усаглашен
Век: >10 године
Очитајте удаљеност: >8M (у отвореном окружењу, >1M (dry sand cover), >65центиметар (buried)
Писање личне карте: Може се поновити 10000 пута
Радна температура: -25℃ ~ + 85 ℃
Материјал: Epoxy resin+Aluminum etching RFID tag, или ПВЦ -а и других материјала
Величина: Φ100mm, thickness 10mm, или прилагођено
Тежина: 30г

RFID plastic buried electronic tag made of special process, can be directly buried tags cement road surface or underground, is suitable for the warehouse management, underground cable, manhole covers, underground pipes and other applications. Can be used to mark inside the wall or the ground under the location information of the object, technology can also be used to read and write files precast concrete cement, it will permanently remain in the concrete component. This special tag will be the identification of the component and can be used as the E-Guide for the blind. Buried in the warehouse can withstand the pressure of forklifts or trailers. Just use the RFID reader to scan around the surface to find the tags and read the information. It can also be fixed on outdoor objects.
ОДМ и ОЕМ производи према захтевима купца.

Application scenario
1. The oil (gas) pipeline buried in the ground cannot accurately find its specific location;
2. The sewer pipe buried in the ground cannot accurately find the specific position of the connecting valve;
3. The pipeline buried in the wall cannot accurately locate the connection point.
How to use: Embed the RFID plastic buried tags in 2-3cm deep cement or soil.


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