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Mifare IC Card Blok Encrypt Writer, ISO14443 TypeA&B,ISO15693, Mifare IC Card Séktor Encrypt Writer

Control aksés, Sandi Test Salin Alat , , , , , , , ,

modél produk: SJM1454

Supports ISO14443 TypeA/B, TypeF, ISO15693, Felica, UID, NDEF, Master KeyA and Master KeyB.

  • spésifikasi
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parameter teknis Utama
frékuénsi operasi: 13.56MHz
kartu rojongan: Mifare 1k S50, Mifare 4k S70, FM11RF08, FM1208 sareng kartu pinter na anu cocog
Protokol pangrojong: ISO14443 TypeA / B
Baca Range: 30~ 80mm (béda gumantung kana anteneu, Jarak maca integrasi anténna sakitar 6.5cm)
Laju mindahkeun kartu: 848kbit / s
panganteur: UART, abdi2C, RS232, Wiegand, RS485, SPI adat
Sasayogian tanaga: +5V pikeun integrasi anteneu
Arus rata-rata: 70mA/DC 5V
Prosés Produksi: panggunaan téknologi mount permukaan
hawa gudang: -40℃ ~ + 85 ℃
hawa operasi: -30℃ ~ + 70 ℃
ukuran: 140x110x28mm
beurat: 120g

SJM-1454 model Mifare IC Card Block Encrypt Writer series encapsulates the complex ISO14443 protocol and read / Operasi anu patali sareng kartu. Sadayana operasi maca sareng nyerat dina kartu MF1 janten sababaraha pitunjuk saderhana. Users do not need to understand the complex ISO14443 protocol, only need to understand the structure of the card used by a simple instruction to operate the card reader, which consists of all the complex operation of the MCU card reader to complete.
The IC Card Block Encrypt Writer is widely used in non-contact smart water meters, méter kakuatan, méteran gas, konci panto éléktronik, patalimarga Pamaca Solusi Kartu, maca kartu desktop, maca kartu kadatangan, konci induksi éléktronik mobil ngadukung, kantor / balanja / Kotak kadali kaamanan, rupa-rupa sistem kaamanan sareng kontrol prosés produksi.
The KeyB of this device is reserved for system solution developers to set up the one-card-one-password function, please contact us for specific usage.

Fitur produk
Modul saderhana, gampang dianggo, hemat biaya;
Ngagunakeun NXP chip maca anu terintegrasi pisan;
Ngarojong Mifare 1K S50 / Mifare 4k S70, FM1208 sareng kulawarga anu cocog sareng kartu pinter tanpa kontak, supports reading and writing sectors, Master KeyA and Master KeyB;
Support TypeA, TypeB, ISO15693, TypeF, QR protocol;
Support TypeA protocol IC card, Mifare 1K/4K and Ultralight and NTAG series tag, and ISO15693 protocol I Code tag, ISO18092 protocol Felica tag nanaco account;
Maca sareng nyerat jarak kartu (nepi ka 50 ~ 80mm gumantung kana aplikasi);
Numutkeun kabutuhan, milih SPI, I2C, UART, RS232, RS485 atanapi antar muka Wiegand pikeun ngahubung sareng MCU naon waé;
Nalika nganggo antar muka UART, kalayan deteksi baud otomatis, iraha sareng 232 konvérsi tingkat tiasa langsung nyambung sareng komputer;
Pilih catu daya 5V, konsumsi kakuatan low
Kalayan garis kontrol sareng kaluaran sinyal buzzer anu tiasa dikontrol, opsional onboard LED sareng buzzer;
Tiasa maca sareng nyerat modul EEPROM, kalayan fungsi ngamuat kecap akses;
Ngarojong fungsi kartu deteksi otomatis, teu kedah sering ngirim dina komputer host pikeun milari pitunjuk kartu;
Nyayogikeun perpustakaan fungsi C51 pikeun pamekaran sékundér.


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