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Carfts Card

» RFID Card » Carfts Card

Pribadi Card NBS gilig Code Plastik

Carfts Card , , ,

modél produk: HG046

Pilihan personalisasi: ukuran jeung spésifikasi, kakandeleun, chip IC, frékuénsi RF, printing and other special production processes.

  • spésifikasi
  • Katerangan
  • Karajinan Aviable

parameter téhnologi kartu kode NBS
ukuran: 86× 54 × 0.76mm atawa ukuran lianna
bahan lumaku: PVC, pepet, PC, ABS, palastik PETG, logam atawa bahan séjén
Bisa ngalakukeun 2 surfaces layar-sutra atawa offset percetakan, Angka tiasa bronzing atawa pérak stamping, tiasa warna séjén
Gilig Kecap tiasa ngalakukeun ibukota hurup Inggris (26PCS): A-Z, kartu kiridit téh kawas kieu:
Sapertos: 1234, 5678 ABCDE FGH 2004-01-01
ABCDEF 123456
Konci gilig tiasa angka Arab (10PCS): 0-9
Sapertos: 123456789
NO. 000001
NO. 888888
Kecap gilig tiasa ngalakukeun lambang husus (16PCS): & , . + – / () ~ @ * ? ! ” ` :
Konci gilig dipasing interval 1/10 inci
Kode mode mesin operasi gilig: pinuh otomatis tur semi-otomatis
The Konci gilig garis: 1-11 garis, 0-30angka PCS

On the surface of the credit card, there are three rows of convex codes of different sizes, mainly including the card number, the validity period of the card, and the English name. The contents of each of the three rows of convex codes are different. The realization of this personalized process is NBS coding. Seabreeze Smart Card Ltd can process and produce multiple rows of convex code, garbled, personalized convex code, convex English names, convex coded according to data, jsb. to add personalized content to your plastic cards.


Kauntungan kalapa:
Staf anu ngalaman;
Kualitas alus teuing;
Harga pangsaéna;
Pangiriman gancang;
Kapasitas ageung sareng rupa-rupa produk;
Narima urutan leutik;
ODM sareng produk OEM numutkeun paménta konsumén.


pencitakan: Percetakan offset, Nyetak Silkscreen, Percetakan termal, Percetakan tinta-jet, Percetakan digital.
Fitur kaamanan: Watermark, Laser ablasi, Hologram / OVD, Tinta UV, Mangrup Variabel optik, Barkod disumputkeun / Barcode mask, Dipeunteun Pelangi, Téks mikro.
Anu sanésna: Inisialisasi data chip / Énkripsi, Garis magnét anu diprogram, Panel tandatangan, Kodeu barkod, Nomer séri, Embossing, Kodeu DOD, Kode cembung NBS, Paeh-teukteukan.

Formulir Inquiry ( urang bakal balik deui saatos waé )


carana ngabuktoskeun:
0 + 9 = ?

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